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Charts - Legend

Legend is the UI element mapping symbols and colors to the series' label.

Basic display

In chart components, the legend links series with label properties and their color.

โˆ’20โˆ’15โˆ’10โˆ’505101520โˆ’20โˆ’1001020var Avar B
Press Enter to start editing


The legend can either be displayed in a 'column' or 'row' layout controlled with the direction property.

It can also be moved by a combination of position: { vertical, horizontal } properties and the legend offset values. The position places the legend just next to the drawing area, and offset values move it relative to this base position.

  • vertical can be 'top', 'middle', or 'bottom'.
  • horizontal can be 'left', 'middle', or 'right'.
  • offsets are set with CSS variables --ChartsLegend-rootOffsetX and --ChartsLegend-rootOffsetY.

Defaults are such that the legend is placed on top of the charts.

โˆ’20โˆ’1001020โˆ’20โˆ’1001020var Avar B
import { ScatterChart } from '@mui/x-charts/ScatterChart';

  margin={{ top: 70, bottom: 70, left: 100, right:100 }}
  {/** ... */}
    directon: "undefined"
    position: {
      vertical: "undefined",
      horizontal: "undefined"



The dimension of the legend is defined by some CSS variables:

  • --ChartsLegend-itemWidth: The width of one series (including the mark and the label).
  • --ChartsLegend-itemMarkSize: The size of the mark square.
  • --ChartsLegend-labelSpacing: The space between the mark and the label.
  • --ChartsLegend-rootSpacing: The space between two series.
โˆ’20โˆ’15โˆ’10โˆ’505101520โˆ’20โˆ’1001020var Avar B
import { ScatterChart } from '@mui/x-charts/ScatterChart';

  {/** ... */}
    directon: "undefined"
